Pine Ward, Arizona

Pine Ward, Arizona

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, located in the Ponderosa Pines of Northern Arizona.
Visitors Welcome

Visitors Welcome

Please join us for Services at 10am on Sunday Morning, or for any of our scheduled weekday activities.
Follow Jesus Christ

Follow Jesus Christ

We strive to love and serve one another in our families and in the community.
Attending Church

Attending Church

What can you expect?

About the Scriptures

About the Scriptures

One man's story.

Has Anyone Seen God?

Has Anyone Seen God?

Click to find out.



Its Personal. Are you prepared?

10:00am - Sacrament Meeting

11:10am - Sunday School / Priesthood & Relief Society

The Spring Fling was great fun.  Check out the evidence (photos)

President Russell M. Nelson

In April conference, President Russell M. Nelson provided a new blueprint for service and local priesthood organization in God's Kingdom.


"We have made the decision to retire 'home teaching' and 'visiting teaching' as we have known them. Instead, we will implement a newer, holier approach to caring and ministering to others. We will refer to those efforts simply as ministering."  President Nelson reminded us that we must "minister to the one, just as the Savior did."

Organizing the Priesthood

President Nelson announced that in each ward, high priests and elders will now be combined into one elders quorum.  "These modifications have been under study for many months, and are inspired of the Lord." 

We look forward to fulfilling these changes to better serve each other, our community and our God.